For me, if I am not learning, I’m probably dead. Simple as that. I have to be trying to take action each day to learn. It could be something new or more about a topic I already know a little something about. We all do that, really, if we think about it. So how do you develop a joy for learning?
It’s about passion. If I get passionate about topics and then want to learn everything, there is to know about them. Honestly, it becomes a bit of an obsession almost. And then, the more I understand, the more I realize how much I don’t know, which just then fuels my desire to keep learning—some of us just like that.
We are curious by nature.
I also think finding a way to make learning fun is essential. That can be different for everyone. Some people love going to school; others hate it. But there are ways to make learning fun for yourself, no matter your situation. You just have to find what works for you. I loved going to school and used to think that I wanted to continue to take college courses “for the rest of my life,” even after graduation. And then the real world hit me.
Some people love to read, so they learn that way. Others prefer hands-on learning and need to get out there and do things to really understand them. Some people like to learn by listening to audiobooks or watching videos. Everyone is different.
For example, if you are the type that prefers hands-on learning and needs to get out there and do things to really understand them, then you might want to try something like taking a cooking class or learning a new sport. On the other hand, if you like to learn by reading, then find books on the topics that interest you and dive in.
The important thing is to keep learning and growing every day. That’s how you develop a joy for learning. It becomes a part of who you are and what you do daily. You just have to find what works for you and go for it!
How do I find joy in learning?
When thinking about how to find the joy in learning, below are a few suggestions to get inspired to create your personalized list:
- Start the day with joy = find gratitude first thing in the day as you rise
- Get outside, feel the fresh air, and get some sun on your face
- Allow for independent work, look within and find out how you tick
- Build in time for “joy breaks.” Remember, people don’t have to be learning from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We’re not robots. When we’re at work, at school, on campus, or at lunch, we can be moving from location to location
- Get curious
- Practice compassion, getting centered, and meditation can help with that
- Get creative
When we make joy a priority, the benefits are limitless. A joyous learner is an inspired thinker, and an inspired thinker is a productive citizen. When we are operating in that state, we become more prosperous and have a peace of mind, a state of being about us. From that state, we can think more clearly, be more decisive, and take actions with greater clarity. When we have joy as the lens through which we view the world and the challenges that block us from achieving our goals, we are better equipped to tap into our imagination to find solutions. We become less reactive and more proactive. Developing a joy for learning can be the one change that unlocks limitless possibilities for the individual and the world around us.
Is there joy in learning?
Learning something new may not sound like the most exciting way to spend your time. However, learning can be a joyous and powerful thing, as it’s about feeding your curiosity and giving you further insight into the world around you.
There are many ways to make learning fun. It can be as simple as finding a book on a topic you’re interested in and diving in, taking a cooking class, or learning a new sport. The important thing is to keep learning and growing every day. That’s how you develop a joy for learning. It becomes a part of who you are and what you do each day. You just have to find what works for you and go for it!
When you’re constantly learning, you’re also constantly growing. And as you grow, you develop a better understanding of the world around you. That’s an incredibly powerful thing. So if you’re not already enjoying the learning process, it’s time to start! Find what works for you and go out and explore the world with fresh eyes. It’s an amazing place, and there’s so much to learn.
How do you develop a joy for learning?
So, how do you develop a joy for learning? I think the late great Jim Hensen, lover of learning and growing, says it well when he said:
“I think there are lots of ways of leading very good lives and growing spiritually. This process of growth goes on whether we believe it or not.” -Jim Henson
Or I also like, “You must have a level of discontent to feel the urge to want to grow.” -Idowu Koyenikan
I think both of these point to the idea that in order to have a joy for learning, you can’t be content with where you’re at. You have to have a desire to grow and improve. And that’s where the fun comes in.